Setbackgroundcolor android not working. Compatibility to version 9.
Setbackgroundcolor android not working Services; using RecyclingApp. FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Oct 25, 2014 · The way it's set in the initialize method uses the protected RoundRectDrawable class, like so:. linear_filter_background)) ); Feb 19, 2015 · public class MainActivity extends Activity { ImageView happybirthdayimage; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. To do what you want you could try one of the 2 things described below: Put a view in a FrameLayout , set the background colour in the FrameLayout , and put the shape in the view. Aug 10, 2014 · I am working on an android application , and I have a lot of items to display by the ListView: <ListView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height=" Hello I'm a newbie in android development and I am looking forward a way to change the background color. xmlns:x="http://schemas. getColor(getActivity(), R. 0" encodi Jun 19, 2016 · I have created a webview with a transparent background. Dec 23, 2022 · Note: This Android article covered in both Java and Kotlin languages. I also tried putting my own transparent color with the values #80000000 and #00000000 but the result is worse. 0 (API level 21) or higher. myView. DayNight. myCustomGreen)); May 26, 2011 · I am attempting to make it so that whenever a checkbox is checked the view is one color and when it is unchecked it is another however when i check the box the view turns black and then nothing else happens when i check or uncheck the box. setAlpha(<value>); Setting the image background if it is a PNG is not required: imageView. XML Background App Theme Background: Go to the app > src > main > manifest. 0之后已经优化了内核,改用了了chrome内核,兼容了大部分网页,这不第三方使用了一个直播,强烈要求使用腾讯X5的内核,说是兼容更好一点,既然这样,我就集成试试,下面教你快速集成:image. g. You can directly specify the value as HEX color code as we do for CSS files in HTML. setBackgroundColor(R. Jun 18, 2012 · Right now I'm building a simple form and I'm designing it so that if the user hasn't entered the necessary info before clicking the submit button the background turns red. I wanted a way to change background of the input box, then reset it back to whatever it had originally. 1. setBackgroundColor(Color Oct 11, 2022 · to apply a custom theme on all toolbar and contextual action bar in my app, but it's not working at all it's always be white color on light mode and dark in night mode, tested on material version implementation the following versions. result); result. transparent); Dec 1, 2011 · Why set setBackgroundColor is not working in my custom listView. This work! Oct 20, 2021 · Can someone please help me figure out why is the backgroundTint for the button not working? I use android:background for the background color and android: Aug 3, 2013 · How Do I set the background color of my android app. Although I can see it from the Design tab, when I run the app, it still shows me the default color. Added in API level 26 Sep 6, 2016 · Not an expert in Xamarin (or C#) but something like this should work to get your color resource: button_vstrong_fluorescence . The problem occurs in all layout files in Jul 5, 2016 · setBackgroundColor works perfectly well on bidLayouts. Mar 10, 2023 · Well, I am not 100% sure but I don't see you making any silly mistakes, so my guess is that you aren't making any, I would recommend two things, Make sure you have registered your handler, Kinda like that and if yes then make sure you are using it correctly in your ListView. I tried many things and what I found out is setBackgroundColor(); color doesnt work with alpha value. GREEN) but it doesn't work. Transparent); samhouts changed the title Borderless Entry Handler Not Working in . However, incorrect color codes can lead to app crashes. getColor(this, R. getSettings(). nametag);) and still nothing. 0. This is my xml layout <?xml version="1. EntryHandler. icon and android. getColorStateList(this, android. WHITE); Dec 12, 2012 · The answer you're looking for in 2020 and beyond:. I am using a custom entry and custom editor. So, in the end I used code which was suggested by Gabriele and it is working. Sep 26, 2023 · Description. I solved the problem by giving the alpa value in html not in android. The Issue In all my layouts I have included progress_bar. card_layout); cardLayout. WHITE); instead of the background I really want to use (setBackgroundResource(R. Compatibility to version 9. Since Xamarin has adopted the Native Java Android Behavior in Xamarin. Maui. Sep 15, 2014 · The second class is for Android and can be found in android. Handlers. 1 No matter what I do, whether I use the color code or the pre-loaded color, the background will not change. text); 1. So I don't know what else to do. Both change color but I need to increase performance,becaus May 29, 2012 · How do I remove the black background from a dialog box in Android. for some reason this does not work for me when trying to change the background of an EditText. Improve this answer. parseColor("#rrggbb")); My app always crash Dec 8, 2020 · AnychartView. 0 the android:colorBackground attribute is ignored and the bottom sheet dialog always has a white background set. (I also tried android:background but did not work either. Not correctly referencing the activity's view when applying color. Nov 13, 2023 · Description In a . imageView. I know that is doing something because when I use this method the background color of the pressed item changes to a opaque version of the default color when a listview item is pressed. xml file in order to made list view to draw the selector over the list item rather than under them. I want to set the background of the WebView to be transparent to appear like a textView. Following is my code snippet Cartesian cartesian = AnyChart. setJavaScriptEnabled(true); browser. GREEN); The Latest version of material components library by takes the dark grey & colorPrimary value for border color & hint text color when not focused & focused respectively. I am attached my android code. Please have a look at my newly created test project. When I try: LinearLayout li=(LinearLayout)findViewById(R. 4 on Samsung Galaxy S2 and on ICS 4. RED when it is already the color red. drawARGB() or view. g black or blue, color does not changes. so here is my solution, worked for me. final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(Screen1. setBackgroundDrawable(backgroundDrawable); Jun 29, 2018 · I need to set the background color of my DrawerLayout at runtime. How to set a background color for linear layout programatically? I tried following code but not working: LinearLayout footer = new LinearLayout(activity); footer. listArray is containing text to display in ListView and itemStateList is containing color names to set the background in the ListView. 3 on Jul 16, 2012 · In both cases I have the call to . hateButton); Button r = (Button) v Nov 6, 2020 · The Android Studio 4. Here is my code: Nov 4, 2014 · 前言:本来android 自4. button_red_states)) based on whichever 'case' is choosen. getColor(Color. setColorFilter(color, mode) is deprecated since API 29 (as discussed here) button. Jun 27, 2014 · WebView setBackgroundColor not work in Android. 0 and 4. Inside the file application tag, there is an attribute for our default theme. Android what happens is that the Android application picks the theme in its styles. 92). wrap(buttonDrawable); //the color is a direct color int and not a color resource DrawableCompat. result_white); My final objective is of course to have alternating 'result_white' and 'result_ltgray' drawables for results so the first XML solution does not really satisfy my needs. Example 2 : android:background="#FFFFFFCC" Nov 14, 2024 · Description After updating Microsoft. Step by Step Implementation. I'm thinking of this as a bug because normally we can set initial color in XML. getBackground(). 2. * your Button is replaced at runtime by a MaterialButton. The button is taking the custom shape from drawable XML but not taking the color declared as solid color in shape XML. getColor(@NonNull context: Context, @ColorRes id: Int) It returns a color associated with a particular resource ID. I am using webview inside Content Page (XAML). 0 Jun 11, 2020 · Description: I'm trying to set the cardBackgroundColor to #FFF, but it turns to grey. 在Android Studio中,使用setBackgroundColor方法设置控件的背景颜色时,可能会出现不起作用的情况。这可能是由于多种原因导致的。一种可能性是使用了错误的颜色值或者颜色资源。 Jun 13, 2022 · The status bar color is not changed from the default black in the Android Studio emulator (API 30 and 32). lineChartMeetingTrend. Droid. 3, 3. colorPrimary)). GREEN); Otherwise you can do as others have suggested with . Jun 26, 2014 · I've got an odd problem. Code is given below: public void changeColour(Pallete palette){ v = li. GetColor but the last one does not return a color and I don't get what should i use instead of Resources. I tested by removing most of code from a new MAUI app and adjusting the Background Color. Solutions. SetBackgroundColor(Android. Oct 19, 2012 · You can use ListView property android:drawSelectorOnTop="true" in your layout . webview1); myWebView. Net7 can I see the little fade animation when I press the button. 0, I am facing issues inside MauiProgram handlers. NET MAUI project using the latest . TextView text = (TextView) activity. The resource will be inflated, adding all top-level views to the activity. Currently the backgroundTint is still the default MaterialButton style. To make question simple, i would like to ask why the code below is not working on these versions: Oct 20, 2023 · Description Trying to set the underline to transperent but it's not working in NET 8, but it did work on NET 7 and before. The documentation for the MaterialButton class says:. transparent);. myLayout); li. matchParentSize() . Background color not updated after setting programmatically due to view hierarchy issues. ViewModel of the xaml screen is inheriting ObservableObject. And I have also checked and the line where setBackgroundColor is, is executed. GREEN you will not have the result you expect. setBackgroundColor(palette. setBackgroundDrawable(null); Setting the alpha value is not required: this. Here is my code: super. color. But I get the following result, the buttons appearance becomes not good (the shape becomes different): pressed Nov 15, 2018 · There is a concept in Android called the Material design. public class ChangeBackgroundActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. Mapper. getDecorView(). setBackgroundColor()` method in Android Studio allows you to change the background color of UI components programmatically. I tried to color these buttons fro Jul 18, 2019 · When I use android:background with Button this appearance of the button does not change but when I use this with TextView or ImageButton it works correctly. GetColor(this, Resource. Do not use the android:background attribute. These issues were not present in the previous version (8. Thank you Mar 13, 2019 · Description of the problem: StatusBar. NET MAUI 8. To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. onCreate Nov 7, 2020 · Description. requestWindowFeature(Window. 2 version. What can I do to get the fully Jan 2, 2018 · Background color will not change in Android Studio 3. 0. Mar 22, 2017 · TextureView setBackgroundColor not working. 1 new-project wizard, for many of its templates, has the project use the Material Components for Android library. In xaml file, under button I am giving a commandparameter as a boolean property. int red = Color. inflate(R. getDrawable(R. setBackgroundColor didn't change anything. This is the my interface. graphics. white)); the button becomes white, but also some space around it (I have couple of May 30, 2021 · I'm testing in onCreate method, but its not working at all, in java i used to do the same thing and it used to work fine, but in kotlin is weird – Tehleel Mir Commented May 30, 2021 at 6:44 May 30, 2012 · I would like to get color of EditText, I could set it by setBackgroundColor, but there is not getBackgroundColor function I found this EditText edtxt; edtxt. pngimage. but setBackgroundColor(Color. Jan 17, 2011 · LinearLayout result = (LinearLayout) v. Using the `. backgroundTintList = AppCompatResources. I tried putting logging statements before the call to setBackgroundColor, and it appears the color integers are being retrieved. Sep 15, 2015 · Suppose we have a TextView as. I have one activity that contains one WebView. public class FilterActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. findViewById(R. getBackground(); buttonDrawable = DrawableCompat. Feb 8, 2023 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 29, 2010 · The problem here is that you cannot define the background color using a color selector, you need a drawable selector. Modified 1 year, Android setBackgroundColor doesn't give any result. 3 android versions and i see that it is not working in these versions. png这个官方demo都有,放在自己的项目下,然后再BaseApplication里面初始化一下 Apr 25, 2023 · I need the background to turn green when the button is clicked, many tutorials say to use: backgroundView. Dec 31, 2014 · I have and activity and I am setting the background color, and the status bar color, and even though I have setting them as the same thing, I see a different color? I set the background color like Jun 23, 2017 · android setBackgroundColor() keeps crashing my app View vyoo = (View) v. Adding its codes below: Custom Entry Sep 28, 2014 · Using only the Color. Even if i use webview inside layouts such as stacklayout and try to change background color of layout, this condition also doesn't fulfills Aug 31, 2012 · Setting the background of the PopupWindow is not required: this. Mar 10, 2019 · With the MaterialButton you have 2 options:. When i set webview background color to e. Everything worked fine a couple of iterations ago, but now it's not working anymore. As you are getting this . getDarkMutedSwatch(). I now try to set the background color on item 3 to orange. 182. But when I call. Apr 29, 2021 · I'll leave my answer here because I didn't find an easier way You can define a composable which will work as wrapper+background. GetColor(which became deprecated from API 23). layout. Color( ContextCompat. Color had a constructor with single Int parameter. Jul 1, 2019 · I might be late for this but let me save someone's time in the future. DarkActionBar. implementation ('com. the status bar background color is black is this case. I can use canvas. toInt()) <-- works, exact background color showButton. setBackgroundColor(0); browser. parseC Feb 28, 2014 · Thank you for all of the info. parseColor("#FF0000"); So you should check which kind of Color class you've imported to your project. xml file and uses that style to set the bar background colour. xml in the src directory. It can't be set to white unless I added foregroundTint with #FFF too. @Composable fun OutlinedTextFieldBackground( color: Color, content: @Composable -> Unit ) { // This box just wraps the background and the OutlinedTextField Box { // This box works as background Box( modifier = Modifier . getRadius()); cardView. Set Background Color Programmatically. 2 and also in 2. The Listview is recycling the same view for rendering your items! You can use a custom adapter and store your selected view position inside some variable; then in the onCreateView() method of your adapter you would check the position of your selectItem and the current item if they were equal then set the background to your view else Nov 1, 2023 · In my MAUI application, the entry and editor placeholder color and text color are not working, showing blank in UI. TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(R. The following works for me on all API levels: Rather than defining cardBackgroundColor in your app's theme, instead define cardViewStyle. WHITE)); The color depends on your choice of which color you want to use for transparent. xm Jul 23, 2013 · mWebView. Edit: Turns out it doesn't work on my Nexus 5, but it works on an Android Virtual Device. This is a "default" style that is applied to all CardViews (unless explicitly overridden by a style attribute in the layout file). Sep 16, 2022 · To set the background color without struggling with radius, use MaterialCardView, you can set the corner radius, give stroke and set background color as well. 1') and Jan 28, 2016 · I tried setting the color to preset Java colors, and the views still end up white. View cardLayout = mCardView. MainPage" BackgroundColor="Green"> <ScrollView> Sep 18, 2020 · So, I solve this by not specifying android:backgroundTint in XML and set the initial color programmatically. AFAIK, String and Int representations of hex color are convertible into a Color object. Aug 27, 2014 · Edit: So I tried using setBackgroundColor on a LinearLayout that I put behind the TextView, but still the BackGround color was not set. Related. COLOR (where COLOR is BLACK, WHITE, RED, etc. Aug 6, 2015 · Found out that the above will not work on earlier Android versions. You signed out in another tab or window. icon. setBackgroundColor(). If you want to override some theme attributes from a default style you can use new materialThemeOverlay attribute. Using the backgroundTint attribute as suggest by Zaid Mirza. Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio. adaptiveIcon. Here’s a structured approach to correctly set the background color of your LinearLayout without causing any issues. Net7. android:theme Setting the background color of a view in an Android application is a common task that can be performed programmatically. Expected behavior: android:colorBackground should set the background color of the sh Sep 27, 2012 · In this simple game I want to change the background color of the button that I press. AppendToMapping("TestEntry", (handle Sep 7, 2023 · 2. 0-alpha06 . Dec 6, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Sep 14, 2016 · I am trying to set a custom colour to my linear layout in code using android Pallete. But that is not fully transparent as there is some kind of shade to the background. xml file Jan 18, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 22, 2021 · Hi I am implementing toast in android and iOS but on iOS devices it's working fine and display toast message with rounded corner and in Android devices everything thing is working fine but toast message rounded not display. xml file and reapply it thru android:backgroundTint attribute (It doesn't work either). setColorFilter(ResourcesCompat. The conversion can be done with the method parseColor. parseColor("#FFFFFF")); This code for the same programmatically: image. BidDriverPrice. Example 1 : android:background="#FFFFCC" You can also add transparency to the color by adding 2 more hex numbers after the # (hash) symbol. So, the necessary changes would look like this: Sep 18, 2020 · setBackgroundColor is not working I used this code, fabTest. MaterialComponents. I need the first ConstraintLayout to be transparent I used "android:background="#00000000" " but no result (background white). May 7, 2014 · When touched I want to add some text into the View which is all working nicely, but when I go to simply add a background to the TextView it just does nothing. I now add 15 items successfully. I had this problem on my Android Studio preview and came to realise that the problem is that the content inside the CardView is not clipped to the bounds of the CardView, so the corners you see are corners of the ImageView, which is actually clipped when you run the app on emulator/device. Hot Network Questions Tremor Signs is an universal detection spell? What is the angle? (seven circles in a triangle) Feb 4, 2015 · ok got it , GetProgress() was not working as expected , so value of process was always 0 , (int progress was defined at start of onCreate and it is also in args of onProgressChanged so there was conflict ,but i wonder why AS did not warn me about same var name twice – Mar 23, 2013 · I have a listView with a custom adapter. Mostly use a white or #FFFFFF color. setBackgroundColor(0xFF000000|rgb); // Use bitwise OR to add alpha to RGB value Jun 13, 2017 · I have png image which have some transparent area in between image. getColor(this, Color. getColor(resources, color, null)) //didnt work on 21, only 22+ For whatever reason, on API 21, the only way I could get setColorFilter() to work properly was to post the change to the views message queue. You switched accounts on another tab or window. container); bgElement. Here's what I did: WebView synopsis; synopsis=( Jan 6, 2017 · If you just want to use some of the predefined Android colors, you can use Color. I've tried with this SameProblem but it doesn't work. I recommend using the Android version of Color for your case. I've set up a setMultiChoiceModeListener to let the user choose multiple elements to de Jan 10, 2017 · Find solutions to fix the issue of CardView background color always appearing white on Android. setBackgroundColor(Color. Here is the result, but I want to change different color for each CardView Here is my code in onBindViewHolder Mar 14, 2016 · When I use RecyclerView to show list data in my app, the RecyclerView's backgroundcolor always been white: I set the backgroundcolor in xml file and code, but it does not work: //activity_main. setTextColor(0xff000050. setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat. Graphics. R. contact_layout); contactInfo. setBackgroundColor("#000000") transparent color not working in android . Apr 8, 2022 · Hello! In today's video I will show you how to change the color of your background buttons in android studio, some people have went through this problem so t Aug 23, 2019 · I'm developing an Android app and i found some issues in setting background color as transparent. Also true for other handlers (picker, editor etc. 6. parseColor("#FF0000")), but using resources as much as possible is a best practice. com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="_4017. ) – May 14, 2015 · From Documentation . setTint(buttonDrawable, Color. I test it also in 2. May 27, 2024 · I can't remember that android. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. Net MAUI app (in Visual Studio 2022), Android emulator used is Pixel 5 API 33. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 5 months ago. se Sep 29, 2009 · image. RED); button. setBackgroundColor(color) messes with the button style Aug 19, 2016 · It doesn't work when I go to the view next to the current and return very fast. yourcolor) Oct 22, 2019 · I have a working Custom Adapter that I have put to a listview. NET 8 RC, setting the background property of a AppCompatEditText doesn't seem to work. GREEN)); Sep 25, 2019 · The API to set the color doesn't seem to work: showButton. WHITE);` to set the background color directly on the top-level view of the Activity. Doesn't happen when debugging from VS, but happens when you sideload the published APK. using Android. viewpager); PageAdapter Jul 12, 2013 · I have a custom view and I have to set background color for it every two seconds. Color. setContentView(int layoutResID) Set the activity content from a layout resource. browser = new WebView(ActivityActivate. Nov 15, 2023 · I am working on a . Controls and Microsoft. toInt()) <-- doesnt work What works is: myview. Mar 16, 2020 · @nikitok I notice you expo. setBackGroundColor(R. It is working fine on Android 10 and Android 12, but not working on Android 11 and Android 13. Jul 16, 2016 · I've try all suggestion that I've found but no one works for me. I have trouble setting the icon of the material button and also changing the button's background color at the same time. Sep 18, 2023 · handler. . Can anyone help me (see below what I want to achieve)? Button. colorPrimaryLight)); A valid use of setBackgroundColor(int) would be something like setBackgroudColor(Color. Feb 15, 2011 · I had the same issue with 2. Use `getWindow(). This is really strange. I am trying to set color programmatically to that area but its not working. Please provide an efficient solution. It means that if you are using a custom android:background, you have to make sure to null out backgroundTint to avoid that the custom background doesn't get tinted with the attr/colorPrimary defined in your the I am adding to my layout a WebView to display justified text. PlatformView. text. drawable. 3. I would love to simplify the original code if that's possible. argb(1, 255, 255, 255)); This worked on all the Android devices where I was previously having this issue. May 15, 2010 · I'm amazed by everyone else's MUCH more complicated answers. drawer_layout); drawerLayout. RoundRectDrawable backgroundDrawable = new RoundRectDrawable(backgroundColor, cardView. You signed in with another tab or window. I have tried setBackgroundResource and even single similar question from the first three pages of Google search result so I am sure I am missing something. If I try any other colors it doesn't work. I believe that's what led you to believe only the background color/image wasn't working however from my experience Expo only pays attention to the expo. Aug 21, 2020 · Description: Starting with version 1. Jan 2, 2025 · CardView is a UI component in Android Studio that provides a simple way to display content with a raised or elevated appearance. For material design Button use <Button app:backgroundTint="@color/green"> Share. SetBackgroundColor(new Android. Posted by u/PedroIsa21 - 1 vote and no comments Aug 27, 2012 · setBackgroundColor() is basically a short cut for changing the view's background to a colour drawable. change group Color of ExpendbleListView is not work good in android. Aug 9, 2020 · Since you are using a Theme. setBackgroundColor(android. ) Tried on android (but possibly the same on iOS) NET 7: NET 8: S Oct 24, 2019 · You signed in with another tab or window. SetBackgroundColor(ContextCompat. setBackgroundColor(getResources(). Mar 26, 2019 · I'm developing an Android application in which there are some buttons. I have had a lot of issues with this version and want to know if it is just a bug or if I am doing something wrong. getColor(R. You can very simply define the alpha in the color definition of the button (or any other view) in your xml: For me, what you've posted works on API 19 and 22, but does not work on API 28. ): myView. Chartreuse)); It does not work for that view. Changing it from view. Using this code: Microsoft. getBodyTextColor()); } Jan 26, 2014 · How to change imageview background color in a preference in android?) And it works for android 4. png然后导入:image. After messing around a bit I found that the method will fire the setBackgroundColor() AND continue the method when I use Color. Apr 3, 2012 · For that I use, convertView. It works and shows transparency. XML. setBackgroundColor to colorName. LightRed)); May 1, 2016 · The equivalent with setBackgroundColor(int) would be: setBackgroundColor(getResources(). TRANSPARENT); What I used was: mWebView. padding(top = 8. this); browser. 1. Jul 23, 2018 · It is because the recycling mechanism of the listView. using the latest release com. Here's what I'm doing: DrawerLayout drawerLayout = findViewById(R. GetColor with ContextCompat. I've tried a standard background setBackgroundColor(Color. google. line(); mBinding. This code not affect background color on webview in Android: myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R. I have checked it with logs and the view found is correct. I wonder why you need to hold android platform specific class object, but however, we have a method to convert Color into Int, but it is. Feb 1, 2010 · When calling setBackgroundColor on a view you need to set the alpha value to a non-zero value (e. And, it sets up the default theme to be based on Theme. Aug 17, 2011 · You need to provide drawable or Hex code for color to be the background. This works perfectly on Ice Cream Sandwich 4. Main on Pixel 5 simulator (Android 11). activity_main Tech Bholi presents how to solve android studio button background color not changing problem easily. fabTest. setBackgroundColor() not firing and prematurely exiting the method that is calling it and it is called in. . Controls. setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout. argb(128, 0, 0, 0)); will not work. this); dialog. Reload to refresh your session. Are any cases in which setBackgroundColor doesn't work? Jun 25, 2019 · I want to set background color to transparent. webView. setBackgroundColor({ color: 'linear-gradient(225deg, #38a3eb 0%, #2880c8 100%)' }) works great for iOS, but not work for android. toInt()) <-- works, exact text color Jun 21, 2015 · I'm trying to set color to a button, but when I write: button. Sep 19, 2021 · Some say android:background is not working on MaterialButtons. setBackgroundColor(0xff60a0e0. Unable to resolve drawable "@color/steelblue" in attribute "background" Unable to resolve drawable "@color/darkslateblue" in attribute "background" Feb 18, 2017 · I have two lists listArray and itemStateList. id. I am working on a requirement where I need to Enable/Disable a button under different scenarios. black) Jul 27, 2015 · This is my code in the main activity. setBackground(getResources(). 0xFF), otherwise the color will not show up. A sample video is given below to g Jun 30, 2012 · I have a simple program which is able to change the background color after clicking a button, but it does not work. Mar 13, 2019 · Description of the problem: StatusBar. activity_main Apr 22, 2015 · In properly extending dimsuz's answer by providing a real code situation, see the following code snippet: Drawable buttonDrawable = button. Here's my code and what I'm achieving with it. Jun 22, 2022 · I'm trying to create a facebook login button, something like this. dp For some reason, both methods do not work for me. Some say try to change it programmatically(not working too!). Setting the background color directly overwrites the original background drawable and there is no way to reset it without keeping a copy of the Dec 18, 2021 · Hello everyone, please help me out!!! I want to change CardView color in RecyclerView. I've made the listView item's background change color when selected. However, I'm using the same process to set a button background as well, but instead of setBackgroundColor() I have to use: button. It works normally with colors other than white. The button click animation does not work in my Android app . microsoft. It shows an error: Type mismatch: inferred type is Color but Int was expected Can't understand what to do and why doesn't it work in my case. Services; using Jan 9, 2021 · Since the first condition in your color_state is `android:state_enabled="true", which is always the case, thereby resulting in the same color. The setBackgroundColor() method is not working. Created by: Bholi AnsariEdited by: Bholi AnsariThumbnail Jul 23, 2022 · I have the same problem (in Android), but in addition, my button is not re-enabled (I can see the foreground color change, but not the background, but users can't click it [usinga Clicked event, not a MVVM Command], which makes it extremely frustrating). myTextview); int rgb = 0xF05922; // Orange tv. foregroundImage have the same icon. No Repro with 32208. material:material:1. activity_filter); // Get the ViewPager and set it's PagerAdapter so that it can display items ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R. The pic shows the problem. xml layout which has the following co Nov 20, 2015 · I'm trying to replace Resources. It's part of the Android Support Library, which means it's compatible with Android devices running Android 5. Step 2: Working with the activity_main. setBackground(buttonDrawable); Dec 24, 2014 · To change the background color in the simplest way possible programmatically (exclusively - no XML changes): LinearLayout bgElement = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R. Use ContextCompat. android. The idea is to create a test with question above button and possible answer on the buttons. To utilize hex color codes, you must parse them appropriately to ensure the color is recognized by the system. contact_info, null); contactInfo = (LinearLayout)v. import { StatusBar, Style } from '@capacitor/status-bar'; import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular'; import Jan 10, 2022 · Set the BackgroundColor at Layout level. Jun 27, 2018 · Please note This is not a question for the Activity/Theme or Manifest, its a include layout issue. Get rid of it to notice the color changes Jul 26, 2020 · android:background="" is the attribute used to set background for any Layout file. Sep 23, 2013 · For me, simply calling setColorFilter() on the ImageView wasn't working. getParent(); Button h = (Button) v. Sep 23, 2009 · If you try the above solutions and it still doesn't work, have a look at your TextView xml and make sure that you remove android:background (cuz it may overlap your et. Net8 for Maui, but does work in . parseColor("#AAFF7F")) is not working. Some say create a style in themes. Using the default project for both, only in . MaterialButton manages its own background drawable, and setting a new background means MaterialButton can no longer guarantee that the new attributes it introduces will function properly. Widget; using RecyclingApp. fftf asa nyucz ral xdlmq qopoyc zibl pdrom jqnaq scvo omor zwqil sgylw bznun eisnk