Hamilton police crime report. You may report your collision at either one.

Hamilton police crime report Tip information is shared with the police to investigate crimes. To that end, the Service has created a Technology Crime Unit to support front line investigation of computer and internet crime. About HPS About Hamilton Police Service. Scott Bergman of Cooper, Sandler, Schime & Bergman LLP was retained to conduct the review. Unfortunately, crime still occurs. Officer Padilla helps a citizen clear the snow off of her car. Hamilton Police have charged a 15-year-old male youth from Hamilton with the following: Vehicle Theft; Possession of property obtained by crime under $5000; Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000; Theft under $5000; Fraud under $5000; Fail to comply with 馃攳 Discover Hamilton County, OH police records. Aug 16, 2023 路 The data represented on the map includes Hamilton police reports of Homicide, Break & Enter (Burglary), Robbery, Motor Vehicle Theft, and Theft from Vehicle (Burglary from Motor Vehicle). We encourage you to take a moment to learn more about the following [accordion title="Buy & Sell Safety"] Always meet in a public place preferably during daylight hours or in well-lit public venues. ACTION Office (905) 546-2004. Strategic Directions Vision To be a trusted partner in delivering public safety. In 2020, Ontario's Ministry of the Solicitor General directed police to record the race of individuals in use-of-force incidents. An autopsy confirmed Peardon Hamilton Police continue to investigate the involvement of other individuals. , Hamilton Police responded to the area of Purnell Drive, after receiving reports of a disturbance and then a shooting. The independent review and its findings were presented on June 11, 2020. , Hamilton Police responded to reports of a shooting on the sidewalk in the area of Cannon Street East and Barnesdale Avenue North. Mission To serve and protect in partnership with our communities. Apr 4, 2018 路 CRA - Dont Get Scammed. 9-1-1 Emergencies; Non-Emergencies; Online Reporting; Crime Stoppers; 9-1-1/Reporting a Crime You are Jun 11, 2020 路 Scott Bergman Report In November 2019, the Hamilton Police Services Board (HPSB) commissioned an independent review of the Hamilton Police Service (HPS) response to Pride 2019. If you have any additional information that could help in these investigations, please call Detective Constable Ben Kingdon at 905-540-5543 or email at [email protected] . Mar 9, 2020 路 Hamilton Police Service has an Enhanced 9-1-1 System, so when you call 9-1-1 from a wire line (residence/business/pay phone) BELL information will automatically be provided: name (residence or business), address, telephone number and type of line (residence, business, public). m, Hamilton Police responded to a report of youths breaking into vehicles in a parking lot near Mohawk Road west and Rice Avenue. If it is a crime in progress, call 911. All lost or missing person reports are thoroughly investigated in accordance with the level of risk and documented on a Missing Person Report. The report explains the mandate for the Hamilton Police Service Hate Crime Unit (HCU) and the data based on hate crimes reported to Hamilton Police Service from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The RIBD strategy is focused on understanding and addressing police impact on racial inequalities, including differences in outcomes like use of force among racial groups, internal policies, and The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Click below for registration details The Hamilton Police Service (HPS) provides interested candidates with the opportunity to practice the Pursuit and Restraint portion of the Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (PREP) at one of our PREP mentoring sessions. Aug 29, 2024 路 Welcome to the Hamilton Police Service Presentations and Reports page. Hamilton Police Service will be providing an update on a suspicious death that occurred in Hamilton on Thursday March 6, 2025. An interaction occurred after a vehicle pulling out of a parking spot almost struck one of the victims. On Friday December 1, 2023, shortly after 5 p. On Monday, July 12, 2021, at approximately 9:30 p. on Thursday, September 12, 2024, Hamilton Police responded to reports of a man suffering INFORMATION REPORT TO: Chair and Members Hamilton Police Services Board BOARD MEETING DATE: May 25, 2023 SUBJECT: 2022 Year End Report – Youth Crime REPORT NUMBER: 23-042 SUBMITTED BY: SIGNATURE: Frank Bergen, Chief of Police EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Annual Youth Crime Report is presented to the Police Services Board each year to Contact HPS Central Station. Cavan's last known whereabouts were in the area of Melvin Avenue and Parkdale Avenue NorthPhysical Description:Clothing at Disappearance: White t-shirt and black pantsGen Hamilton Police are seeking the public's assistance in identifying suspects connected to a series of distraction thefts involving jewelry. The Hamilton Police Service is dedicated to bringing the news that matters most to you! Whether it’s about a crime, a new initiative or an upcoming event, we continue to work hard to ensure that the citizens of Hamilton are kept up to date and informed on the newest and most pressing issues within our community. On Sunday July 18, 2021, shortly after 9:46 a. It is important to stay informed about ongoing fraud scams in order to better protect yourself against becoming a victim. Hamilton Police saw a 26 per cent increase in the number of hate/bias incidents and criminal offences compared to the previous year. Dec 14, 2023 路 Hate Motivated Crime Hate/bias motivated crimes are criminal offences or incidents motivated solely or in part because of the suspect’s hate, bias or prejudice against another person based on the victim’s ancestry, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. For more information click This new partnership provides Hamilton police officers with direct access to personal and caregiver information relating to some of Hamilton’s most vulnerable citizens through their MedicAlert ID bracelets. The Hamilton Police Service Hate Crime Unit annually completes a report which summarizes the previous year’s hate and bias related incidents that have taken place in our community. Nov 19, 2020 路 Registration is free and is available to individuals 18 years-of-age and older, who live in Hamilton or who are engaged in fulltime studies within Hamilton. Overall, reported crime in Hamilton has decreased approximately 12. 9-1-1 Emergencies; Non-Emergencies; Online Reporting; Crime Stoppers; 9-1-1/Reporting a Crime You are The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Feb 2, 2024 路 There are two collision-reporting centres in Hamilton to serve you. The Hamilton Police Hate Crime Statistical Report is an annual report that provides statistical date about criminal offences that are committed against persons or property and are motivated by the victim’s race, religion, ethnicity, colour, sexual orientation, mental or Hamilton Police Service will be presenting its Race and Identity-Based Data (RIBD) Strategy at a Community Information session later this month. Shortly after 10:00 p. , Hamilton Police responded to the plaza at 65 Mall Road after receiving information of a stabbing inciden Contact Hamilton (905) 570 – 8888: Cultural Interpreting Service (YWCA x 130) (905) 522 – 9922: DISH Disability Information Service Helpline (905) 546 – 3475: Family Services of Hamilton Wentworth (905) 523 – 5640: Francophone Community Health Centre (905) 528 – 0163: Hamilton Academy of Dentistry (905) 296 – 4521: Hamilton Academy Nov 19, 2018 路 Prep Mentoring Session January 09, 2019 4:00 p. 155 King William Street Hamilton, ON Canada L8R 1A7. ) Mar 9, 2020 路 The Hamilton Police Service now offers Text with 9-1-1 service to persons who are Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired (DHHSI). On Saturday, November 12, 2022, officers responded to Hess Village after a report that a male was waving a gun around and had fled down George Street. Hamilton Police responded to the area and confirmed that a firearm was 3 days ago 路 On March 6, 2025 at approximately 8:00 PM the Hamilton Police Service received a phone call from someone who had gone to see the victim at his home. , on Sunday, May 26, 2024, Hamilton Police responded to multiple reports of possible shots fired in the area of 2 Oriole Crescent in the City's East End. On September 24, 2021, at approximately 4:35 p. E. At approximately 1:45 p. Access public records with ease. Shortly before 11:00 a. Jun 26, 2023 路 Personal Safety Hamilton Police are committed to ensuring you feel safe in your community. . This statistical report includes all the incidents reported to the Hamilton Police Service in the year 2021. Search criminal records, background checks, incident reports, and more. RSS feed - Hamilton Police Service (opens in new window) Filter by year All years 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2015 2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2006 2004 2003 2002 2000 1999 1998 1997 1995 1994 1991 1990 1987 1985 1984 1982 1981 1979 1977 1975 1974 1973 1972 Hamilton Police have disrupted a group of youths engaged in auto thefts on the Hamilton mountain. In most instances these agencies do not require a police report to be filed. Central Station 155 King William St. The Hamilton Police Service has a team of Sworn Officers, Auxiliary Members, and Civilians who are formally trained to act as Ambassadors for the Service and volunteer their time to share recruiting information at Job Fairs, Information Sessions, and Community Outreach Programs. This section of our website contains information on some of our specialized units and the role that they play within the service. Sep 27, 2022 路 To report a non-emergency crime, please call 905-546-4925 or attend your nearest police station. Officers operating a plain door vehicle swiftly arrived and observed two The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. on Sunday, October 30, 2022, Hamilton Police responded to the area of Montcalm Drive in response to a report that a residence had been struck by gunfire. e. May 25, 2022 路 A Hamilton Police Service (HPS) report has revealed crime involving youths continues to decline in the city, mirroring a trend across Canada over the past decade. The Hamilton Police Service Sexual Assault Unit is aware of the information that is being circulated on social media regarding reports of sexual violence and sexual harassment associated to a Catholic local secondary school. Victims of Crime and their families have access to a wide range of supports, including counselling, financial assistance and other services, through Hamilton Police Victim Services Branch. C. Date: Friday March 7, 2025; Time: 3:00 P. If you have lost your Canadian Passports in Canada, you must report it to Citizenship and Immigration Canada's Passport Program. Jun 27, 2024 路 Hamilton Police have released its annual Use of Force (UOF) statistics for 2023. Every division has a Crime Manager. Sep 1, 2016 路 The Hamilton Police Service has a variety of sections and units designed to assist the Hamilton community by reducing crime and keeping our citizens safe. 9-1-1 Emergencies; Non-Emergencies; Online Reporting; Crime Stoppers 6 days ago 路 Hamilton police racially profiled man acquitted of gun and drug charges, judge rules in scathing decision Now, rather than having to go to a Hamilton police station or call the non-emergency line at 905-546-4925, people can use the new online police reporting system to report lost property, theft of property valued at less than $5,000, theft from vehicle, and damage or vandalism to their home or vehicle. That's why the Lake Hamilton Police Department provides a number of tools for citizens to report, track, and get alerts about criminal activity near them. Public cooperation is invaluable in achieving this goal. At this time, Hamilton Police have received nearly 20 reports involving a stolen vehicle, items stolen from vehicles as well as slashed tires. Hamilton Police are aware of a group of suspects canvassing neighbourhoods prior to daytime break and enters. Central Station (Division One) Hamilton Police Service Board c/o Kirsten Stevenson, Administrative Director 155 King William Street Hamilton, ON L8R 1A7 905-546-2727 kirsten. In 2023, there were 220 hate/bias occurrences reported to Hamilton Police, 79 of these occurrences were classified as hate crime. Upon police arrival an adult male victim was located. On Friday, October 4, 2024, shortly after 2:00 p. Rather than having to go to Hamilton Police station or calling, people can now use the new online police reporting system to Ward Reports Ward Reports Companion Document [accordion title="Service Wide"] [accordion title="2025"] January [/accordion] [accordion title="2024"] December November Reports for stolen passports must be reported to Police in person. The majority of reported occurrences were directly related to racial bias, followed by religion and sexual orientation. M, Location: Bill Sturrup Room, Central … About HPS About Hamilton Police Service. These accomplishments demonstrate the importance of partnerships to ensure Hamilton is a strong and safe place to live and work. Learn more about how we’re working to serve Hamilton in our Hamilton Police Service is proud to serve and protect Hamilton’s 545,000 residents in partnership with our communities. In 2022, there were 174 hate/bias occurrences reported to Hamilton Police. Hamilton, ON L8G 1J6 Reception: (905) Instead of holding auctions at Hamilton Police Headquarters, the Hamilton Police Department uses an outside source where individuals worldwide can bid on these items. REPORT TO: Chair and Members Hamilton Police Services Board FROM: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Eric Girt Chief of Police Year-End Report: Youth Crime — 2019 PSB 20-034 The attached Youth Crime Report provides a summary and reflection of 2019 youth crime trends, as well as the continued commitment to youth engagement by the Hamilton Police Our Victims of Crime Unit supports investigations of child abuse, crimes against seniors, domestic violence or sexual assault. 5 per cent in Hamilton since the State of Emergency was declared on March 17, 2020 compared to the same timeframe last year. These incidents occurred on Binbrook Road, White Church Road and Upper James Str Feb 28, 2025 路 Hamilton Police assembled a project team to identify and locate the offender. Patrol Divisions. Please disable any pop-up blocking software or plug-in before filing an online report. To find out which division serves your community, consult the district map. If the crime is currently in progress or involves other incident types please call the non-emergency line 406-363-3033. Hamilton Police have seen shifts in crime trends as a result of the recent changes to daily life caused by COVID-19. The victim was taken to hospital and his injury was determined to be non-life threatening. Please make sure you include a return mailing address. The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Supervisor: S/Sgt Canaris (905) 546-2003 [email protected] Oct 7, 2024 路 Hamilton Chief of Police Steve Snavely unveiled a new method for reporting local crime at the Hamilton City Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. The technology Crime Unit, one of the few in the province, is accessible to Police officers only. Here, you’ll find a collection of our key documents, presentations, and reports that provide insights into our ongoing efforts to serve and protect the community. Individuals may contact the Hamilton Police Department’s Property Room at 513-868-5811, ext. In 2019, there were a total of 92 hate/bias incidents reported to Hamilton Police. Together. In these circumstances, a female suspect in The Hamilton Police Hate Crime Statistical Report is an annual report that provides statistical data about criminal offences that are committed against persons or property and are motivated by the victim’s race, religion, ethnicity, colour, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, gender identity or The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. , Hamilton Police responded to reports of a shooting that had just occurred in the area of Sherman Ave N between Barton St E and Princess St. Hamilton Police ask residents to be alert to this suspicious behaviour and to report any encounters or observations to police immediately. The male was r The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Canada’s Criminal Code grants police officers authority on reasonable grounds to use as much force as necessary to carry out their duties. Hamilton Police are releasing the name of the city’s recent homicide victim, 37-year-old Randy Peardon from Hamilton. Learn more about how we’re working to serve Hamilton in our Verified Alarm Response Program Beginning September 1, 2019, Hamilton Police joined other Ontario police services in requiring alarm companies to verify any signals they receive before calling us to dispatch police. Shortly before 6:00 a. 6 | HAmilton Police DePARtment | 2019 AnnuAl RePoRt HAmilton Police DePARtment | 2019 AnnuAl RePoRt | 7 Officer Lee plays baseball with area youth at Nuxhall Fields. 2013 with any questions regarding recovered property. Hamilton Police continue to investigate the City’s tenth homicide of the year. ) operates as part of the Intelligence Branch of the Investigative Services Division. , Hamilton Police responded to the area of Barton Street East and Oak Avenue after receiving reports of a shooting. This number represents both suspected hate/bias incidents and criminal offences. The majority of reported occurrences were directly related to racial bias, followed RSS feed - Hamilton Police Service (opens in new window) Filter by year All years 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2015 2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2006 2004 2003 2002 2000 1999 1998 1997 1995 1994 1991 1990 1987 1985 1984 1982 1981 1979 1977 1975 1974 1973 1972 Crime Stoppers is a partnership between the public, police and media. Oct 16, 2020 路 The Hamilton Police Service is committed to addressing computer crime. The H. Our 829 officers and 414 civilians are guided by our mission, vision and values in making Hamilton a safe place to live and work. This platform allows residents to report a variety of issues, including but not limited to concerns regarding city ordinances, public works, potholes, water issues, crimes not in progress, suspicious May 27, 2016 路 Hamilton Police has made reporting crimes more convenient. stevenson@hamilton. Hamilton, NJ: On Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at approximately 7:11 AM Officers were dispatched to Aaron’s Auto Repair on the 1600 block of South Broad Street on a report of a suspect attempting to break into vehicles located at the business and that the suspect was armed with a screwdriver and attempted to harm the employees on scene. The report details the costs of policing services, crime statistics and includes business plan indicators. The victim was walking when he was approached b Hamilton Police are actively investigating and searching for Cavan Usher, a 38-year-old male, due to concerns for his well-being after being reported missing on August 11, 2023. Proof of ownership will be On Saturday, December 10, 2022, at approximately 5:00 a. Hamilton Police are investigating Hamilton’s latest homicide after an 18-year-old male was shot in the City’s East End. Since November 2024, 14 incidents have been reported where suspects engage victims in conversation, allowing them to gain close proximity to victims. Over the past 10 years, the average number of repor Dec 14, 2020 路 Hamilton Police Service is comprised of three divisions, plus a training facility and investigative services building, that provide frontline and investigative services to Hamilton’s more than 500,000 residents. , the Hamilton Police Service responded to 238 Highway 8 in the City of Hamilton for a report of a shooting. In 2021, there were a total of 108 hate/bias occurrences reported to Hamilton Police Service. Consistently ranked as one of the safest cities with populations under 5000, Lake Hamilton is a great place to live, work, and play. Explore our materials to stay connected with the latest developments in policing across our city. Follow us on TWITTER- HpsAction4 Contact Us. The investigation began on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, when police received reports of a shooting believed to have occurred between Friday, April 19 and Tuesday, April 23, 2024. The suspect(s) will get out of a vehicle, knock on the door or ring the doorbell and if unanswered the suspect(s) will leave in a vehicle. Hamilton, ON L8N 4C1 Reception: (905) 546-4772 Fax: (905) 546-4752 Hours: 24/7 East End Station 2825 King St. , Hamilton Police responded to reports of an injured male lying on the sidewalk near 575 Queenston Road, Hamilton. The Hamilton Police Service Annual Report highlights initiatives that protect and safeguard our communities. Based on a review of the available evidence, investigators learned the shooting occurred inside the residence. We encourage all survivors to report these crimes to the Hamilton Police Service by contacting the Sexual Assault Unit (no The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Hamilton, MT 59840 Hamilton Police Crime Stoppers is a partnership between the public, police and media. Hamilton Police and Emergency Services responded and as a result located the victim deceased inside the residence. Safer. If you have any information as it pertains to this investigation, you are encouraged to contact the Division 30 Criminal Investigation Division –Detective Sergeant Ben Licop at 905-546-3851 or [email Hamilton Police continue to see an increase in the number of guns on Hamilton streets. 1. Feb 28, 2025 路 On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, shortly after 3:30 p. Nov 16, 2020 路 The goal is to solve crime by affording citizens the opportunity to report it anonymously. Hamilton Police Service Hate Crime Unit The Hamilton Police Service’s Hate Crime Unit operates as part of the Intelligence Branch in the Investigative Services Division. Report a Crime. on June 15, 2024, Hamilton Police were called to 100 Connaught Avenue for reports of a deceased male. HAMILTON EAST HAMILTON MOUNTAIN 2825 King Street East 400 Rymal Road East Hamilton, ON L8G 1J6 Hamilton, ON L9B 1C2 Ph: (905) 560-0510 Ph: (905) 385-2426 Hamilton Police are investigating a hate crime that occurred in Ancaster Meadowlands. For those who wish to provide information anonymously, please consider reaching out to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or submit your anonymous tips online at Crime Stoppers Hamilton's Website. Hamilton Police HEAT (High Enforcement Action Team) and Core Patrol teams have made an arrest in connection with ongoing community complaints regarding illicit drug trafficking in the downtown area. Police have identified the victim as Dirk NYHUIS commonly called Jeff by his friends Hamilton Police are conducting an investigation following the discovery of a spent bullet casing in the area of Gage Avenue South and Main Street East. Updates to the crime map are based on crime information which is preliminary in nature and subject to change for a variety of reasons. A 23-year old male was located and had sustained injuries consistent with gun shot wounds. There have been no in Hamilton Police Service is proud to serve and protect Hamilton’s 545,000 residents in partnership with our communities. Crime Managers play an important role and will assist with non-emergency related community complaints. The report also provides an overview of the training and education that was provided to Hamilton Police Nov 16, 2020 路 Frauds and Scams Every year we see more than 2,000 frauds and scams in Hamilton making them a key concern for police. The goal is to solve crime by affording citizens the opportunity to report it anonymously. Mar 1, 2023 路 Our non-emergency line at 905-546-4925 is for reporting incidents that are non-urgent or not life-threatening. For more information on Reporting a Crime, click here. In-Person Reporting Reports for lost or stolen licence plates must be reported to Police in person. ca The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Since its inception in 1997, thousands of citizens have participated in Citizens Police College. The police will not capture the loss of the government ID on police computer systems. The data represented on the map includes Hamilton police reports of Homicide, Break & Enter (Burglary), Robbery, Motor Vehicle Theft, and Theft from Vehicle (Burglary from Motor Vehicle). We offer information through our website as well as presentations, pamphlets and videos. Since September, there have been seven reports of distraction thefts. The Hamilton Police Department, in partnership with the City of Hamilton, is now offering an online reporting system for non-emergency incidents. What is Race and Identity Based Data (RIBD)? Hamilton Police Service is committed to the promotion of equity, fairness and non-discriminatory policing in Hamilton. It's also for people making general inquiries or looking for police support and resources (i. The Hate Crime Unit was established in 2003 and concentrates on incidents where hate or bias has been identified as a precipitating Hamilton Police Service Hate Crime Unit The Hamilton Police Service Hate Crimes Unit (H. Tipsters never have to identify themselves and never have to testify in court. The report needs to be submitted by phone at 1-800-567-6868, or in person at the nearest Service Canada Passport Office . Reception: (905) 546-4772 Fax: (905) 546-3892 Hours: 24/7. The program is offered in the fall and typically runs for six weeks. The suspect(s) will circle the neighbourhood only to return later and force entry into the reside Nov 16, 2020 路 Frauds and Scams Every year we see more than 2,000 frauds and scams in Hamilton making them a key concern for police. In 2023, there were 265 reported UOF incidents. On Wednesday, July 28, 2021 just shortly after 5:00 p. Dec 14, 2024 路 Hamilton police have been trying to crack down on crime, shutting down a tunnel system, drug shack, and open-air drug market, but it’s also showing how desperate the situation is for the most The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Hamilton Police are asking the public to be vigilant after an increase in distraction thefts across the city. , a mother and daughter were walking through a parking lot in a plaza in the Ancaster Meadowlands. The investigation revealed a bystander had observed an assault on a male victim and intervened. We review all cases filed through the Citizen Online Police Reporting System and we may contact you with any questions about your report. to 8:00 p. By reporting the criminal incident it allows the Hamilton Police Service to identify crime trends in our neighbourhoods and capture statistical data. suspicious vehicle, mischief, following up on a previous occurrence etc. East End Station Nov 14, 2017 路 Crime Prevention Strategies on how to remove or reduce crime Victim Services Support and information for victims of crime and trauma News & Community Find latest news releases, publications and statistics Hamilton Police are investigating after a shooting incident in central Hamilton. Often suspects try to sell or give jewelry which enables Hamilton Police are investigating a targeted shooting believed to have occurred in the early morning hours and investigators are asking for the community’s assistance in providing any information that may help in the investigation. HAMILTON POLE ERVICE 2023 ANNUAL REPORT HAMILTON POLE ERVICE 1 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 2 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD As Chair of the Hamilton Police Service Board, I am pleased to present the Annual Report, reflecting on the significant milestones and accomplishments of the past year. Officers arrived on scene shortly thereafter and located a male suffering from stab wounds. How to bring forward a community concern. Every year, Hamilton Police deal with over 1,700 missing person cases. These thefts have mainly taken place in the Central Mountain but there was one report near Queenston Road in Stoney Creek. The incident occurred in Hamilton; You are not in danger. Hamilton Police Service has enhanced its online reporting section to make it easier for residents to report hate/bias incidents. The group then Hamilton, ON L8G 1J6 Station Hours: 8:00 a. was established in 2003 and concentrates on incidents where hate or bias has been identified as a The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. Jan 7, 2025 路 Hamilton Police Service does not offer police checks for persons under 18-years-old unless the applicant requires one for a paid or volunteer position with a government employer (federal, provincial or municipal). Initial reports indicated the sounds of gunfire were heard, with additional information suggesting shots were being fired into the air from the sunroof of a moving vehicle. To initiate this service, DHHSI persons must: Have a compatible cell phone and active wireless subscription. Oct 6, 2020 路 Crime Stoppers is a partnership between the public, police and media. , officers were conducting surveillance outside a local shelter in response to repeated reports of Hamilton Police saw a 61 per cent increase in the number of hate/bias incidents and criminal offences compared to the previous year. While the majority of missing persons are located within 24 hours, some investigations can go on for months or even years. Westfield Police: 3/10/2025 1:54:00 AM: 17400 BLK WHEELER RD: P Foot Patrol: 2025-00007664: Westfield INFORMATION REPORT TO: Chair and Members Hamilton Police Services Board BOARD MEETING DATE: May 24, 2022 SUBJECT: 2021 Year End Report – Youth Crime Stats REPORT NUMBER: 22-047 SUBMITTED BY: SIGNATURE: Frank Bergen, Chief of Police EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The attached Appendix “A” – Year-end Report – Youth Crime 2021 provides an Tell a police officer, or call Crime Stoppers (1 800 222 8477) to report crime and disorder in your neighbourhood. The scene was secured and the Homicide Unit was called to investigate. The Criminal Investigation Branch provides investigative support to Uniform Patrol, and is responsible for serious criminal offences, sudden deaths, complex missing persons and other incidents as assigned. Hamilton Police Service is committed to ensuring the safety and security of our community. The report explains the mandate for the Hamilton Police Service Hate Crime Unit (HCU) and the data based on hate crimes reported to Hamilton Police Service from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. U. Officers qualify at In-Service Training. Hamilton Police Service is proud to serve and protect Hamilton’s 545,000 residents in partnership with our communities. 00 CDN (payable to the Hamilton Police), as well as a legible photocopy of two (2) pieces of suitable identification. Jul 22, 2021 路 Crime Prevention Strategies on how to remove or reduce crime Victim Services Support and information for victims of crime and trauma News & Community Find latest news releases, publications and statistics Hamilton Police are warning the public after a rash of vehicle entries, thefts and mischiefs in the Binbrook area overnight. Hamilton Police continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding an Assault with a Weapon that took place last evening and are asking anyone with information to report it to investigators. Also be advised that in accordance with RCMP policy, persons under 18 may not apply for a Vulnerable Sector (VS) screening check. Nov 12, 2020 路 Crime Stoppers is a partnership between the public, police and media. m. Values Compassion — We act with empathy, sensitivity and compassion to support members, our community and victims of crime. - 6:00 p. Verifying a signal prior to calling police will also be required when a home or business owner call police directly. Jan 15, 2025 路 Lucian Gonzalez-Quinones. The Hamilton Police Service is committed to providing up to date information on various services that we offer. Please click on one of the links to the left for more information on a specific topic/inquiry. On Sunday January 12, 2025 shortly before 3:00 a. You may report your collision at either one. You have a valid email address; You can provide the incident address information; Filing a false police report is a crime. Stronger. On Saturday October 22, 2022, shortly after 11:00p. This is a nine per cent decrease in UOF over 2022. The inte This report may not reflect the most current information. Learn more about how we’re working to serve Hamilton in our The Hamilton Police Service offers a variety of crime prevention tips to assist citizens in keeping themselves, their families and their property safe and secure. However, you must ensure to include a certified cheque or money order in the amount of $50. Hamilton Police are investigating after reports that gunshots were heard on Hamilton’s West Mountain. bljzma uaujlpaa mar tloq nmllce srm amlp lfrf slb zvlea fwob flgb vxpvmo onjnrd pbl